Moody Blues Octave T-Shirt

Moody Blues Octave T-Shirt

Moody Blues Octave T-Shirt

$ 25.00 was

This Moody Blues "Octave" design is printed on a Gildan SoftStyle tee that offers lightweight, yet durable, fabric with a more modern fit. It features a rolled shoulder, double-sleeve needle hem, and rib collar. 100% US Cotton that is sustainably grown and ethically harvested - 100% of fabric cutting scraps are recycled into fiber and used in new products, and 33% of the energy used to manufacture products comes from renewable resources.

Moody Blues Octave T-Shirt

This Moody Blues "Octave" design is printed on a Gildan SoftStyle tee that offers lightweight, yet durable, fabric with a more modern fit. It features a rolled shoulder, double-sleeve needle hem, and rib collar. 100% US Cotton that is sustainably grown and ethically harvested - 100% of fabric cutting scraps are recycled into fiber and used in new products, and 33% of the energy used to manufacture products comes from renewable resources.

$ 25.00 In Stock